Energy Healing (local) $90.00 per hour
Distant Healing $90.00 per session
Reflexology $90.00 per hour
Kinesiology testing for allergies
and nutrients $90.00 per hour
Rife machine sitting
(Resonant Light Machine) $30.00 per visit
Payment accepted is: cash, check, email money order.
PAYPAL is also accepted now.
Location of office is: WHITE ROCK, BC Canada
Vibrational Healing / Ruth Sikorski / (604) 542-0910 / [email protected]/ "Trusting your body's inner wisdom"
Energy Healing (local) $90.00 per hour
Distant Healing $90.00 per session
Reflexology $90.00 per hour
Kinesiology testing for allergies
and nutrients $90.00 per hour
Rife machine sitting
(Resonant Light Machine) $30.00 per visit
Payment accepted is: cash, check, email money order.
PAYPAL is also accepted now.
Location of office is: WHITE ROCK, BC Canada
Vibrational Healing / Ruth Sikorski / (604) 542-0910 / [email protected]/ "Trusting your body's inner wisdom"